During Phase 1, you will be introduced to a variety of texts, ideas, and skills (e.g., rhetorical reading, narrative writing, self-reflection, the social processes of writing, the politics of language and literacy). Among other smaller assignments, you will compose two Language and Literacy Narratives, one spoken and one written.
Note: you should have access to all readings & all assignments every class (in print or on your laptop/phone). This is because we’ll likely refer back to previous assignments/readings.
✺ WEEK 1
Thursday, August 27 ( Week 1 | Day 1 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Familiarize yourself with Blackboard (BB) & our course site.
2. Download Slack App to your mobile device. Join our workplace. Upload a pic to your profile and say “hi.”
3. Complete & submit on BB the “Questionnaire” Worksheet: ( Word )
✺ WEEK 2
Tuesday, September 1 (Week 2 | Day 2)
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Complete & submit on BB the “Language & Literacy Narrative Brainstorms” worksheet (on BB). ( Word )
2. View “A Guide to Annotating Texts” ( Video )
3. Read “Rhetoric and Rhetorical Situations” handout. ( Web | Word | PDF )
4. Read Langston Hughes’ “Theme for English B.” ( Web | Word | PDF )
Thursday, September 3 – ( Week 2 | Day 3 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Read & annotate Tan’s “Mother Tongue.” ( Web | Word | PDF )
2. Complete & submit on BB a “Rhetorical Situation Worksheet” ( Word ) for Tan (it’s ok if you’re unsure about answers).
3. Write & submit on BB a 1-page response to Tan. What parts of Tan’s essay resonate with you most? Why?
✺ WEEK 3
Tuesday, September 8 – ( Week 3 | Day 4 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Read & annotate June Jordan’s “Nobody Mean More to Me Than You…” ( Web | Word | PDF )
2. Complete & submit on BB a “Rhetorical Situation Worksheet” ( Word ) for Jordan.
Thursday, September 10 – ( Week 3 | Day 5 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. View Saleem’s “Why I Keep Speaking Up…” ( Video ) – with transcript available here ( Web | Word | PDF )
2. Complete & submit on BB a “Rhetorical Situation Worksheet” ( Word ) for Saleem.
3. Write a 1-page snapshot of 1 meaningful moment in your language &/or literacy experiences. Upload your snapshot to our class’ Google Drive folder, open it, save it as a Google doc, and title it as “WLLN Snapshot – Your Name.”
✺ WEEK 4
Tuesday, September 15 – ( Week 4 | Day 6 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Read Norton’s “Writing a Literacy Narrative” (pages 28-34) ( Web | Word | PDF )
2. Write and submit to BB a full draft of your Written L&L Narrative (at least 2.5 pages long). Upload your L&L Narrative to our class’ Google Drive folder, open it, save it as a Google doc, and title it as “WLLN Draft 1 – Your Name.”
- Writing a L&L narrative and making larger connections
- Analyze Model Narrative
- Workshop drafts
Thursday, September 17 – ( Week 4 | Day 7 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Write a full draft of your Spoken L&L Narrative. Practice it a few times (ideally with a friend/classmate/family member) and revise/enhance it at least once. Be ready to practice it with peers and upload any files needed in your Drive folder.
✺ WEEK 5
Tuesday, September 22 – ( Week 5 | Day 8 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Revise & Submit your WLLN based on peer feedback.
2. Upload your WLLN to our class’ Google Drive folder, save it as a Google doc, and title it as “WLLN Draft 2 – Your Name.”
- SLLN Presentation Group 1
- Discuss connections
Thursday, September 24 – ( Week 5 | Day 9 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Read & give feedback on two of your peers’ essays using the “Take-Home Peer Review” worksheet. Upload your peer review worksheet to your peers’ respective Google Drive folders.
- SLLN Presentation Group 2
- Discuss connections
Friday, September 25 – ( Week 5 | Day 10)
NOTE: NO CLASS THIS DAY | Assignment Due
By the end of the day, please:
1. Revise & polish the final draft of your Written L&L Narrative. Then, write & paste your cover letter at the beginning of your document. Submit on BB.