During Phase 3, you will practice locating and evaluating sources, composing introductions and conclusions, synthesizing sources, crafting strong thesis statements, and integrating and citing sources. You will compose our third major writing assignment, the Researched Essay.
Note: you should have access to all readings & all assignments every class (in print or on your laptop/phone). This is because we’ll likely refer back to previous assignments/readings.
✺ Week 9 – Start of Phase 3
Thursday, October 22 – ( Week 9 | Day 18 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Read “Researched Essay Brainstorms Tips” handout ( Word | PDF ) and complete & submit on BB the “Researched Essay Brainstorms” worksheet.
2. Be ready with your Citymail username and password log in information for the CCNY Library
- Share brainstorms
- Finding Sources in the library
- Evaluating sources (handout) ( PDF )
✺ Week 10
Tuesday, October 27 – ( Week 10 | Day 19 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Find 8 (good) sources and skim them.
2. In a single document, write one paragraph introducing your topic idea, list the 8 potential sources you’ll use, and write another paragraph brainstorming how these sources might help you to explore the topic. Submit on BB.
Thursday, October 29 – ( Week 10 | Day 20 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Revise and submit on BB your introduction paragraph(s).
2. Decide on and read the 4-7 sources you’ll use for your essay. Have them accessible for class.
✺ Week 11
Tuesday, November 3 – ( Week 11 | Day 21 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Write & submit on BB a rhetorical précis for 2 sources.
2. Write & submit on BB 1+ page of synthesis using these sources. Please also upload it to our Google Drive folder.
Thursday, November 5 – ( Week 11 | Day 22 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Write & submit on BB a rhetorical précis for 1 more source.
2. Add another page of source use. Underline where your thesis appears. Submit on BB these 2+ pages. Please also upload it to our Google Drive folder.
- Thesis workshop
- Writing conclusions
- Workshop drafts
✺ Week 12
Tuesday, Tuesday, November 10 – ( Week 12 | Day 23 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Write & submit on BB a full draft of the Researched Essay. Please also upload it to our Google Drive folder.
- Workshop drafts
- Citation Practices
Thursday, November 12 – ( Week 12 | Day 24 )
This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.
1. Revise your Researched Essay draft based on feedback you received during peer review. Submit on BB.
- Intro self-assessment essay
- In-class writing workshop
- Sign up for conferences