Phase 2: The Rhetorical Analysis Essay

During Phase 2, you will learn more about reading texts for what they “do,” summarizing texts, and analyzing texts for their rhetorical features. Among other small assignments, you will complete the second major writing assignment of our course, the Rhetorical Analysis Essay.

Note: you should have access to all readings & all assignments every class (in print or on your laptop/phone). This is because we’ll likely refer back to previous assignments/readings.


✺ Week 6

Tuesday, September 29  – ( Week 6 | Day 11 )

No Class Held Tuesday 9/29. CUNY follows a Monday schedule.

Thursday, October 1 – ( Week 6 | Day 12 )

This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.

1. Choose any one of our (written or video) texts, ideally your fav, and complete a “Charting” worksheet using the “Charting” handout (Web | Word | PDF). Submit on BB.

2. Sign up for CUNY Academic Commons


✺ Week 7

Tuesday, October 6 – (Week 7 – Day 13 )

This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.

1. Write and submit on BB a 1-page summary of the course text you’ll analyze for your Phase 2 essay. Be sure to get at all components of the rhetorical situation.

2. Create a first draft of your WordPress Site. 

3. Submit a link on BB.


  • Workshop summaries
  • Rhetorical Analysis (handout) ( Word | PDF )

Thursday, October 8 – (Week 7 | Day 14 )

This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.

1. Complete & submit on BB a “Rhetorical Analysis Worksheet” for the course text you intend to analyze for your essay. 


  • Guided Analysis Workshop 
  • Audience analysis 
  • Assign Phase 1 Revisions
  • Analyze Model Essay

✺ Week 8

Tuesday, October 13 – (Week 7 | Day 15 )

This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.

1. Write & submit on BB 2+ page(s) of analysis. Please also upload it to your Google Drive folder


  • Workshop drafts
  • Thesis workshop (handout) ( Word | PDF )

Thursday, October 15 – (Week 7 | Day 16 )

This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.

1. Write & submit on BB a full draft of your RA essay.  Please also upload it to your Google Drive folder.


  • Workshop drafts

✺ Week 9

Tuesday, October 20 – (Week 7 | Day 17 )

This is what is due for today. Please have these tasks completed before class.

1. Revise & polish the final draft of your RA essay. Then, write & paste your cover letter ( Web | Word | PDF) at the beginning of your document. Submit on BB.


  • Phase 2 Reflections
  • Introduce Phase 3 Assignment ( Web | Word | PDF)
  • Basic Online Searches